Services for Carers

Local and national services that may benefit carers in the borough.

Young Carers Mentoring Service

The mentoring service is aimed at supporting young carers aged 7-17 years old in their school environments. The sessions will involve meeting with the young carer for a 30-minute session…

‘Taking a break from caring’

Over the last year Richmond Carers Centre has been asking carers whether they feel that we have supported them with finding time for themselves and getting a break from their…

Save the date! Yoga sessions start 12th September 2019

Starting Thursday 12th September, there will be 10 weekly carers’ yoga sessions taking place from 12.15-1.30pm at a Twickenham location. Participants will be asked for a £1.50 contribution per session.…

New staff members at Richmond Carers Centre

Louise Anderson and Sarah Harding joined Richmond Carers Centre this spring, and in their own words… ‘I’m Louise Anderson and I am so excited to have joined the team. I’m…

Friendly Parks for All project

The Richmond Council Parks Team is developing Friendly Parks for All, which aims to ensure that ‘Everyone should have fair access to good quality parks’ by improving opportunities for everyone…