“It’s so important to get the right information at the right time when you are caring for someone else. Thanks to my local pharmacist, I’m lucky to have found out about Richmond Carers Centre early on, before the situation got too much to manage.”

We have listed below a number of useful links where carers can access information on national and local services, carers rights, carers assessments, managing medicines, equipment and aids for caring, and the Care Act 2014, as well as other sources of general information for carers. The government has also produced this leaflet containing useful information for carers. 

We have also produced a list of organisations that provide local service directories. Click here to view our Local Services Directories page.

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Carers Trust is a major UK charity for, with and about carers. They work with a UK-wide network of quality assured independent partners to support carers locally in their own homes, and through the provision of grants to help carers get the extra help they need to live their own lives.

Carers UK is a national membership charity for carers. It is a supportive community and a movement for change. Carers can access lots of information and advice on the Carers UK website, and there are links to a number of helpful resources.

The Richmond Carers Hub Service is made up of six local organisations providing universal and specialist services for unpaid carers living in or caring for someone living in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames.

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Carers Assessments are arranged through the council, who have produced guidance notes to help you prepare for a carers assessment. It is helpful to consider the impact your caring role has on your life and relationships, and what help and information would make your caring role easier.

Carers UK produces a guide for carers called Looking after someone, which includes information on the challenges of caring, your rights, benefits, financial & practical help, technology, your workplace and other help.

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Carers Trust has produced a Carers guide to managing medicines to support carers who are regularly handling and administering medication for the person they are caring for.

The Care Act 2015 was designed to bring the rights of carers alongside those of the people they care for and recognise carers own needs, independent of the person they care for. Information on local implementation of the Care Act can be found HERE.

CILS is a borough wide network of support, information, advice and signposting services for vulnerable adults. The aim of the service is to help people to live as independently as possible within the community.

Telecare is a 24-hr monitoring system that can help you stay safe at home. Telecare equipment is linked to a telephone alarm unit which, when activated, generates an alarm call to a monitoring centre so that an emergency response can be raised.

Working for Carers is a London-wide project that supports unpaid carers, aged 25 or over, to move closer to employment. The project is led by Carers Trust and delivered by its network of 24 partners across London, and is jointly funded by the Big Lottery Fund and European Social Fund. CLICK HERE for more information.
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The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has launched webpages Working and Supporting Someone’s Health or Care. They aim to provide carers with advice and signposting to support them to stay in work or to continue to look for work. Advice includes contacting and registering with local carer organisations. CLICK HERE for more information

Life Works has published on its website a carers guide to eating disorders to help carers supporting someone with an eating disorder, including things to look out for if you suspect someone has an eating disorder.

Bridging the Gap is a guide to mental health and services in the Borough of Richmond upon Thames, produced by Ruils Independent Living.

The Carers Directory is a directory of organisations in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames that provide support to carers, produced in partnership by Richmond Council and Richmond Clinical Commissioning Group.

The Guardian Online has a section in it’s Society pages dedicated to Carers, with articles about or relevant to carers posted regularly.

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Carers Trust publishes We Care magazine three times a year to share stories of how their supporters are making a difference to carers’ lives across the UK. Available by email and in print.

The Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk anytime you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. They operate a 24 hour freephone, 365 days a year.

The National Debtline has produced this ‘How to deal with debt‘ 3-step guide to help people in lots of different debt situations. The National Debtline is a national charity offering free, confidential and independent advice to people with debt problems.

LGBT+ Service information

Please remember you can also contact Richmond Carers Centre for support as an LGBT+ carer. Our Adult and Young Carers Support workers have training and experience in supporting carers who identify as LGBT+.

Stonewall campaigns for acceptance without exception for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people across the UK, working to empower LGBT people to be their authentic selves, enabling them to realise and achieve their full potential, and to create positive change.

Wandsworth Carers Centre offers one to one support and advocacy to LGBT+ Carers around accessing support for themselves or the person they are caring for. It is also working to raise awareness of LGBT+ carers and runs information sessions for carers and professionals.

Richmond LGBT forum formed in 2007 to provide a voice for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people who live, work, study or socialise in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, or who visit the Borough regularly. The Forum acts as an advisory group to the local council, the local police and other agencies such as the health service.