Information for Young Carers
“I worry all the time when I’m not with mum. I find it hard to concentrate at school and my friends don’t really understand. Sometimes it’s nice to be able to talk to someone who isn’t close to me though.”
We have listed below a number of useful links to sources of information for young carers and their parents/guardians.
Childline is a free and confidential service for anyone under 18 who wants to talk to someone straight away about any worries they may have, either about themselves or someone they know. This service is open 24 hours and you don’t have to say your real name. You can contact them by phone or email, or use their instant chat services.
Off the Record offers information, counselling and a sexual health clinic. You can speak to them over the phone or drop in to their office in Church Street, Twickenham. You can use these confidential services FREE if you are aged 11 to 24 and live, study, or work in Richmond borough. Off the Record also offers support to parents and carers and may ask a donation for counselling if you work and are over 18.
The Mix provides free confidential advice and support for anyone under 25. Contact by phone, email, text or webchat. They will discuss with you your situation (you need only say as much as you feel comfortable saying), what kind of support you would like and how (e.g. by phone), options available to you and how you would like to proceed with any further help.
Richmond Carers Centre – Young Carers Service relies on donations from local funders to run many of the school holiday activities that give young carers in Richmond Borough the opportunity to have normal childhood experiences, away from the demands of their caring role. We would like to thank all those organisations and individuals who have support Richmond Carers Centre Young Carers Service with monetary donations, or funded specific activities for young Carers. If you would like to make a donation to Richmond Carers Centre – Young Carers Service you can do so by clicking the donate now button.
LGBT+ Service information
Please remember you can also contact Richmond Carers Centre for support as an LGBT+ carer. Our Adult and Young Carers Support workers have training and experience in supporting carers who identify as LGBT+.
No Straight Answer is a drop-in group session for young people (aged 13-19) who identify as LGBTQ+. Sessions include 1-to-1 and group as well as support, use of 3G football pitch, basketball court and skate park with half pipe and grind rails, music recording studio, art room, kitchen, table tennis, pool and table football. Held at Heatham House