Services for Young Carers
What is a young carer?
Young carers are children and young people under the age of 18 who are taking on practical and/or emotional caring responsibilities normally expected of an adult, and can include anything from cooking, shopping and housework to administering medication, assisting with personal care such as washing or dressing, interpreting, physical support such as lifting and even emotional support or looking after younger siblings.
Are you a PROFESSIONAL working with or in contact with a young carer? If you have identified a young carer in your role and wish to refer them to us, CLICK HERE to download our YOUNG CARERS REFERRAL FORM or go to the contact page on the main menu.
Think you may be or know a young carer? Call 020 8867 2383 or
Keep up to date with the Young Carers Service on Instagram
Young Carers Trip Policy
Please note that young carers trips have only a limited number of places and trips are frequently oversubscribed. While these places are offered to young carers free of charge, they have been paid for by Richmond Carers Centre. This means that the charity incurs a cost each time a child fails to attend a trip they have been booked onto and another child who could have gone in their place has missed out on the opportunity. It is vital that if your child is unable to attend a trip, you inform us as soon as possible so that we can fill the space.