Through a programme of three-day courses Dementia Carers Count has equipped carers across the UK, from 18 to 80, with the strength and resilience to look after themselves, and build the skills, knowledge and confidence to respond to many of the challenges that dementia can bring.
Its courses, which are independently evaluated by the University of Worcester, have been balanced carefully to ensure that due attention is given both to building knowledge through teaching and learning and to resilience-building through the processes of unburdening, reflecting, sharing and relaxing. These three-day Carer Support Courses provide an invaluable opportunity for family carers to spend time with experienced professionals to learn, to get the information and advice they need for their own unique situation, and to have time to talk and share experiences with other family carers.
Courses are free, but participants are invited to donate what they can on completion of the course. While no courses are planned in London for the balance of 2019, and some carers may find it difficult to travel to the course venues in Edgbaston and Swindon, help with travel costs can be provided if this is a barrier to attending.
Find out more about how Dementia Carers Count can help or email
Source: Dementia Carers Count