Millions of people provide unpaid care for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem, or addiction, cannot cope without their support. These carers’ lives can be unpredictable, with many missing out on the benefits that digital can bring.
Many carers may not be aware of how much the internet could help them with:
• Research: Carers can find both general information online, and information specific to their caring situation.
• Saving time: By accessing government services and online banking online, individuals can save an average of 30 minutes per transaction
• Saving money: Carers can receive discounts for paying for things online, and save money by using price comparison sites.
• Making life more convenient: For carers who find it hard to leave the house, online activities such as shopping, banking and booking appointments online mean they can get
things done without leaving the house.
• Entertainment: Carers can find entertainment online, for themselves and those they care for through games, film, music, eBooks and more.
• Managing health: The internet provides easy access to health and fitness websites, apps and tools, such as NHS Choices.
• Social contact: Carers can keep in touch with friends and family through social networking sites and Skype.
• Peer support: Carers can communicate with people in a similar situation to themselves through platforms such as Facebook groups and online forums.
Good Things Foundation is a charity which supports digitally and socially excluded people to improve their lives through digital. They bring together thousands of community partners to make up the UK online centres network reaching deep into communities to help people across the UK gain the support and skills they need to change their lives and overcome social challenges.