Hello, my name is Christine Hawes. I am the Chair of the Board of Trustees of Richmond Carers Centre. The Board is responsible for ensuring that the services we provide to you are well planned, of a high standard and respond to your needs.
I have been involved with unpaid carers for a long time and still remember the annual conferences we used to hold at the National Physics Laboratory. I worked in Richmond Social Services from 1987-2005 as a Workforce Development Officer. When I left to help care for my own mother I was recruited to join the Board and have done a variety of jobs. One thing I have never lost is my enthusiasm for advocating, championing and improving services for unpaid carers.
I have three grandchildren with another expected in March so they keep me on my toes.
I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible at future functions and events, and working to make sure your voice is heard and acted upon in local policy developments.
Kind regards to you all,