Helping Richmond’s young carers achieve their academic potential

Every day across the UK hundreds of thousands of young people help to look after a friend or family member due to illness, disability or drug/alcohol misuse. There are an estimated 15,800 (JSNA) unpaid carers in Richmond borough alone, of which approximately a quarter are young carers under the age of 18. Young Carers Awareness Day, which falls this year on Thursday 30th January, raises awareness of the challenges faced by young carers.

Caring for someone can be worrying, isolating and stressful. For young carers, it can negatively impact on their education, having a lasting effect on their life chances. Recognising and supporting carers, of all ages, runs through the Richmond Health and Care plan, which aims to link carers with appropriate support, enabling them to reduce the impacts they face.
This Young Carers Awareness Day, the Carers Trust is campaigning for more support for young carers to achieve their potential in education.

Here in Richmond, Richmond Carers Centre supports young carers from the age of 5 with information and advice, emotional support, a mentoring programme, young carers support groups and a holiday/leisure/break programme, including bespoke projects and events.

Yesterday, Richmond Carers Centre celebrated the contribution young carers make with a Young Carers Awareness Day event to bring together local young carers and their families.

If you are a young carer and want to see what support is available to you, contact our Young Carers Support team by calling 020 8867 2383 or email Further information can also be found on our

To support the Carers Trust campaign, CLICK HERE to go to the Carers Trust website.
To read the Richmond Health and Care plan, visit here