On 2 July 2018 Teddington Walk-in centre became an Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC). The NHS is working to standardise the services available for urgent care. Feedback from the public suggests the range of services currently on offer is confusing. This is about bringing our local service into line with the rest of the NHS, securing the future of services at Teddington Memorial Hospital, and helping people to understand where best to go for their care.
Under the new service the closing time is changing from 10pm to 8pm in line with other UTCs (patients will be advised to call NHS 111 after 8pm), and bookable appointments will be available. Patients may be given a booked appointment, following clinical triage when they call NHS 111 or by their GP practice. Walk-in appointments will also still be available. Walk-in patients will be given a booked appointment, and can then choose to either sit and wait for it or come back at the appointment time. For more information go to www.richmondccg.nhs.uk
Source: Richmond CCG