NHS and Care Volunteer Responders is a flexible volunteering programme supporting the NHS and adult social care across England.
What support is available?
Pick Up and Deliver – Volunteers are available to transport medication or small items of medical equipment directly to people’s homes from NHS sites or between sites (does not cover Community Pharmacies).
Check In and Chat – Volunteers provide telephone support to people who would benefit from a friendly phone call and some encouragement to improve their mental health and wellbeing. These calls can be made for a period of up to 18 weeks and will be with a different volunteer each time.
Check In and Chat Plus – Volunteers provide telephone support to people who would benefit and prefer a call with the same person over a 6 week period.
Community Response – Volunteers assist with various activities, such as collecting and delivering essential items like food shopping and prescriptions.
How to get referred?
Richmond Carers Centre is able to make a referral on your behalf. Contact our Adult Carers Support Team by email support@richmondcarers.org or call 020 8867 2380. The referral form is straight-forward for us to complete.
To find out more about the NHS and Care Volunteer Responders, visit their website: https://nhscarevolunteerresponders.org/