You may already be aware of new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) coming into force on 25th May 2018
These new regulations will put greater responsibilities on professional organisations that collect and handle your personal data – information about you. It will also give you, as the data subject, clear rights regarding what information is held and how it may be used. This is a brief overview to explain how Richmond Carers Centre will collect and use the information you provide to ensure we comply with the new regulations and to assure you that your information is in safe hands.
Protecting the information you give to Richmond Carers Centre has always been important to us; we have a clear data protection policy and a number of safety procedures to restrict who has access to information.
At Richmond Carers Centre we only ask for information that is relevant for us in supporting carers. We never share this information with another person or third party without your permission, unless required to do so under a law enforcement request. To be registered with Richmond Carers Centre we ask carers to complete a registration form which gives us your signed consent to continue to hold information about you on our contact system. For children under the age of 16 we will ask for parental consent. Only authorised staff have access to this system, which is password protected. If a carer does not register or their registration is closed we will delete their contact record and all the information we hold. This will not prevent carers returning to us but we would not have a record of previous support.
A full privacy notice outlining our responsibilities and your rights will be posted on our website by 25th May or you may request a paper copy from us after that date.
Please be assured we treat your personal information in the way we would treat our own, with dignity and respect.
Linda Joyce – Carers Support Team Leader