Family Matters at Ruils run workshops and drop-in sessions at the Disability Action & Advice Centre, 4 Waldegrave Road, Teddington TW11 8HT every fourth Tuesday of the month from 10am-12.30pm except in school holidays. You can pop in, have coffee and a cake and learn more about a variety of topics (see below for dates and speakers/topics). RUILS staff are on hand to answer your questions.
Tuesday 28th November, 10am to 1pm Val Ivens (Richmond ADHD). Val shares her experience of supporting families affected by ADHD. She will provide information and advice and will be there to answer your questions.
Tuesday 23rd January 2018, 10am to 1pm Karen Garner (Occupational Therapist). Karen will talk about arousal levels and practical strategies that can be used with children who have Sensory Processing Difficulties.
Workshops are held at 4 Waldegrave Road, Teddington TW11 8HT. For more information contact Sian Austin at Ruils on 07376 277 779, email or visit
Source: Ruils
Understanding children with social communication needs
Action-attainment is running a workshop programme for parents and teachers of children with communication needs from Yr3-Yr6 to help with planning transfers from primary to secondary school. Workshops are held at 4 Waldegrave Road, Teddington TW11 8HT, 7-9.30pm.
7th November 2017 An introduction to how hidden sensory and communication needs affect learning and behaviour. How primary school experience leads into planning for secondary school transition.
21st November 2017 Parents: how they planned for and supported their children into mainstream, private and specialist secondary placements.
5th December 2017 Educational reports: understand how communication, handwriting or reading speeds, and sensory reactions can be analysed to support learning and put strategies in place for secondary school.
16th January 2018 How Education Health and Care Plans support delivery of education to pupils in secondary school, college or university.
Click here to register your interest and book for the workshops.
Source: Action-attainment